Centre for Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology
PIMENT Platform
Contacts : MAHUT Frédéric / DUPUIS Christophe
Location : RD123b
Cold FEG Scanning Electron Microscope. SE BSE STEM EBIC Detectors.
Nanomanipulation under 4 ultra-flat tips station (prober shuttle): contacting nanostructures (nanoparticles, nanowires...) for electrical probing, pick&place ...
Contacts : Fabien BAYLE
Contacts and in-situ characterizations of nanostructures (tips connected to nanomanipulators) EBIC imaging of junctions
SEM-STEM compatible cryotransfer (nitrogen freezing of nanoparticles in solutions)
Carbon nanotubes, epitaxial growths (micro-crystals, nanowires with quantum wells), patterns etched
Electrical and optical Probing of nanostructures (nanowires...) bricks of LEDs and photo-voltaic devices based on junctions
Morphology and size of nanoparticles involved in healthcare research