SEM Philips XL 30 SFEG
Cold Field Emission Gun Schottky Scanning Electron Microscope / FEI
Contacts : DUPUIS Christophe
/ MAHUT Frédéric
Location : SB042-E344
High resolution Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with an INCA EDS system, BSE-STEM detector.
- Detectors : SE(ETD, TLD), BSE, BSE-STEM, EDX-SSD 10mm^2 (ponctual, by region of interest, line profile, mapping)
- Max sample size : 4 inches
- Resolution : 1.5nm @10kV WD=5mm
- Resolution : 2.5nm @ 1kV WD=1.5mm
- Stage : 4 axis motorized stage (X Y Z Rotation), manual Tilt -15° to 70°
- Electron gun : FEG Schottky
- Objective lens : HR (Search mode, field-free), UHR (Immersion)
- Voltage : 500V - 30kV
- Magnification : x30 to x600000
- Spot size : 1 to 3 (é imaging), 5 to 6 (EDX)
- Others : Column Hexalens (Coulomb tube beam booster for enhancing low voltage resolution)
- Eucentric height : 5 mm