A Fano cavity
A standalone Fano cavity, consisting of a MMI-like input structure, a nanobeam cavity (700nm large, 15 µm long, and 50 holes 70 to 100nm hole radius) , a subwavelength mixer and a directional coupler.
This specific fabrication process combine differents steps:
Realizing wave guides on SOI with large writing are and a coupling gap in the same writing step (details of the gap and the wave guide in pictures).
"J. Zhang, X. Le Roux, et Al., Generating Fano Resonances in a Single-Waveguide Silicon Nanobeam Cavity for Efficient Electro-Optical Modulation, October 2018, ACS Photonics, DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.8b00867"
Contacts : E. Cassan, eric.cassan@c2n.upsaclay.fr, X. Le Roux, xavier.leroux@c2n.upsaclay.fr